Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Planning a Gala Dinner

If you are organizing a gala dinner, you should be aware that people will go to the party to be provided with food, beverages and entertainment or for what galas are known for, auction. Depending on the occasion, it is your duty as the planner to make the guests interested in the event. The one thing you can do is to start with your planning early. Gala dinners are usually extravagant, and that means you need a lot of time to organize the perfect and successful party. Here are some pointers you can follow:

New Year's Eve Gala Dinner

Form a committee for your event. You will get your hands full and you cannot do it all alone so you need at least two people you can delegate some task with. You also need their help for inputs. Remember that you have to work on details and if you are alone for a project this big, you may not be able to get all things within your control. It is possible though to organize the whole event by yourself, but just imagine how it can be better if you have reliable people with you to make the event successful.

Finances. This is an important and one of the first thing you have to consider before you can start with anything. Make sure that you are clear with the budget line. You have to determine how much money you can spend for each aspects of the gala. If you are given the budget, then you would know how much you can allocate for the venue, food, entertainment and decorations. These four major aspects of the event would have subcategories which you would also have to allocate budget for.

Date. Most organizers prioritize the date among any other things because the time frame depends, of course as to when the event would take place. For example, you are looking at an event for 300 guests, then maybe you would have to plan in advance, as advanced as 3 to 4 months compare when you have to plan for 25 guests only which should take less time to prepare. The planning time frame greatly depends on the size and the scope of the gala. Guest List. For corporate event gala dinners, you have a definite number of employees. However, you also have to consider clients including their dates. Your guests would probably want to invite his/her spouse or partner. After you have come up with your guest list, you would determine the total guest count then you can label your invitation list. This list would be vital for your venue space and catering services.

Venue. Selecting a venue can be a little daunting. Gala dinners can be thrown at people homes, hotel conference rooms, museums, art galleries, zoos, gardens or fine restaurants, depending again of course on the total number of your guests. The most important thing you should do in choosing your venue option is ocular inspection. If you want to be a little unique, you still have to make sure that you have the appropriate space suitable for your needs. Aside from inspecting the space, you have to do ocular because you have to check that the venue is secured. It may be best to have a professional accompany you so he/she can better assess if the venue of your choice provides good security.

Theme. After you have set the date, completed the guest list and you have the venue you can now decide on the theme for your event. Choosing a theme is not easy because you have to match it with the situation or the climate maybe. You also have to think of a theme that will catch the interest of your guests. In line with their interests, you do not want guests to be spending so much for a one night event which is also not practical and could also make your guests discouraged about the event. This is especially when this is a corporate event. While employees may be thrilled about the party, they may be disappointed to even attend if they find the theme a little complicated. For more, you can check this site out.